Acupuncture for Occupational Overuse Syndrome or OOS

OOS/ Occupation Overuse Syndrome or RSI/Repetitive Strain Injury seem to be one of the plagues of the 21st century; with office workers spending even more time behind desks, computer screens, in office chairs and utilising a mouse. Studies show we are spending up to 8 hours a day in this kind of environment and unfortunately the body 'evolutionary wise' hasn't caught up!

That pain, tingling/ numbness, burning sensation or loss of strength is a sign your forearms, wrists, hands, joints are not recovering from the load they're having put on them; chronic fine muscle movements such as that of a computer mouse, wreak havoc on small muscle groups and tendons. This unfortunately tends to lead to another condition: chronic inflammation. The inflammatory response is crucial for the body’s survival and repair with acute injury, however when it becomes persistent and chronic, this beneficial role reverses and it actually starts to do damage.

Acupuncture can provide some much needed relief from the constant discomfort of OOS/RSI. This is achieved through stimulating the afferent nerve fibres in the tight restricted forearms, which makes them relax and release some of the tension.
Then the increase in fluid circulation, stimulated by an Acupuncture needle, works as a natural anti-inflammatory, assisting in breaking the cycle of chronic inflammation and lessening the destructive effect it has on tissues. The end result is more mobility and most importantly, a reduction in pain. This results in muscles becoming healthy and being able to open a jar or lift the kettle. Body movements which were difficult or painful become achievable again!

Research/ further reading:

Branco, K & Naeser, M 1999,’Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Clinical Outcome After Low-Level Laser Acupuncture, Microamps Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, and Other Alternative Therapies – An Open Protocol Study’, The Journal of ALternative and Complementary Medicine, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 5 – 26,

Amirlak, B, Wolff, T, Ahmed, O, Upadhyaya, K, Tsai, T, Scheker, L & Tabbal, G 2016, ‘Median Nerve Entrapment – Anatomy’, Medscape Website,,

Ho, C, Lin, H, Lee, Y, Chou, L, Kuo, T, Chang, H, Chen, Y & Lo, S 2014, ‘Clinical Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome’, The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 303 – 314.

Tui Na- Traditional Chinese Massage

Tuina is traditional Chinese Medical Massage, the practitioners hands place pressure on soft tissue along the meridians of the body and at specific points on the body (acupuncture points) utilising acupoint therapy to assist in the balancing of the body.  Treatments incorporate acupressure and massage techniques: your practitioner may brush, knead, roll, press, tap and/or rub affected areas. The massage is usually done using gentle to quite firm pressure, using palms, thumbs, fingers, and elbows, added to this are various stretches. To receive Tui Na massage feels not unsimilar to a therapeutic deep tissue massage.

Tui na is considered an external medicine, along with the utilisation of cupping, moxibustion, and gua sha, these modalities are often used together in various combinations. In conjunction your practitioner may combine both Acupuncture and Tui na into a single treatment, as this combination works effectively: The objective of the combined treatment is to stimulate blood flow to sore or injured areas, which helps to initiate a healing effect within that particular area; while simultaneously providing pain relief, releasing tension & reducing inflammation. Stimulating injuries to heal effectively the first time, reducing the chance of this reoccurring, people too frequently experience those niggly injuries that come and go during life, hence the importance of addressing injuries properly when they first arise. As unfortunately the longer things are left the longer they will take to resolve, the body is a 'creature of habit' and requires more encouragement as time progresses.

Tui Na It is similar to Shiatsu in that it uses the Traditional Chinese Medical theory of the flow of Qi through the meridians of the body as its basic means of therapy. Tui Na can improve general circulation, increase range of motion and is effective in nerve regulation. Tui Na massage plays a role in rehabilitation and is effective in the treatment of muscles, tendons and ligaments. Tuina can be a complete healing system in itself, it is effective for not only musculo-skeletal problems, but also internal ailments such as digestive problems, menstrual disorders, respiratory illnesses, and stress.


- Neck / shoulder pain

- Back/ hip pain

- Shoulder joint pain

- Leg/ ankle pain

- Calf tension

- Jaw tension

- Arthritis

- Sciatica

- Muscle spasms

- Sports Injuries

- Sprains/ strains

- Occupational overuse syndrome(OOS)

..... And just general relaxation & wellbeing!


Feeling Nervous Post Quake?... ACUPUNCTURE can help!

Acupuncture for Trauma Symptoms

In light of recent events I thought I would shed light on the ways Acupuncture can offer support for trauma and more specifically, focused on post-Earthquake trauma.

It has been shown over the past week alcohol and tobacco sales have doubled if not more, unlikely purely statistical coincidence but a more immediate response to stress! In a crisis we all deal with stress in our own way, some fortunate people even experiencing no stress at all… Alas for some it’s quite the opposite with sleepless nights, anxiety or just an overall feeling of unease, not feeling safe. I will enlighten you on a natural therapeutic option available.

Acupuncture elicits a semi immediate calming effect on the body, so is excellent at drawing you out of the ‘fight or flight’ mode (sympathetic nervous system) and into more of a calm non Adrenaline fuelled (parasympathetic) state. In initial crisis mode Adrenaline and Cortisol (primary stress hormone) has its place in terms of supplementing energy levels and giving that major surge sometimes needed to pull you through those initial days. Long term though, Adrenaline/ Cortisol becomes very detrimental and can potentially lead to more severe medical conditions: chronic pressure on the heart & blood vessels (because of increased heart rate and blood pressure), spiking Glucose levels in the blood stream.  Cortisol also puts a halt to all non-essential body functions:  digestion becomes suppressed, lowered immunity; even the reproductive system is affected. This begins to take its toll on the body, to name a few associated conditions:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Digestive problems

  • Headaches

  • Heart disease

  • Sleep problems

  • Weight gain

  • Memory and concentration impairment

  • And as some of you will be familiar with the term ‘Adrenal fatigue’

Unfortunately with the ‘fight or flight’ response, insomnia can frequently arrive hand in hand which is a terrible combination on the body. Acupuncture can assist with this by increasing the natural feel good hormones such as Dopamine and Serotonin which encourages an overall sense of wellbeing, actually lowering Cortisol levels and allowing you to feel safer, helping tackle those restless nights when every shudder makes your heart pound.

All this leading to less feeling of fatigue and fear- influencing that in the likelihood of another tremor (big or small) you’re going to be in a better position to handle crisis should it arise. Developing resilience, we all really want the reassurance that ‘we will get through’..

If you have any queries regarding this or if you would like to know further, I’m always happy to answer any questions:


Mayo Clinic:                                                                                                                                         


Acupuncture Myths

Like anything, if you give yourself enough time to do a spot of Internet exploring you’re going to find something that will deter you from trying acupuncture. The truth being, people react differently to their various experiences in life; while some might love one restaurant, another person might never step foot inside it again.

Take pharmaceuticals some people respond fast and effectively to drugs, whilst others it won’t work for as well. You’ll never know if Acupuncture will work well for you until you give it a try! *n.b Traditional Acupuncture and ‘dry needling, ‘Trigger point needling’ are different things- which we will elaborate on later*

Acupuncture works- there’s no denying that. There are however plenty of myths surrounding the treatment which could be putting some of you off- and I wanted to clear a few of them up…

It’s painful!                                                                                                                                                                                

Frightened of vaccinations? Acupuncture needles are absolutely nothing like those used for injections. In fact, they’re so fine (thinner than a human hair) you’ll hardly feel them when they penetrate the skin. The way the needles are inserted is with a gentle flick or tap; the majority of people feel that sensation on the skin then the needle going in itself. If you are not comfortable with that sensation at any point your Acupuncturist will always take the needle out. You might instead feel a slight tingling or awareness in certain areas of the body once the needles are in, but this just shows that the Acupuncture is correctly doing what it’s supposed to do.

Acupuncture is only for Injuries!

Again being a myth, majority of conditions Acupuncture can be beneficial with (not just injuries!) Common conditions we can help with:

  • Infertility

  • Mental/Emotional conditions

  • Digestive complaints

  • Insomnia

  • Sinusitis/ respiratory problem

  • And the common cold!

It’s unsafe if you’re pregnant!

This is a major myth (to note always inform your Acupuncturist of potential pregnancy) We will avoid certain Acupuncture points during pregnancy, Acupuncture is 100% safe (ensuring your with a qualified/ registered Acupuncturist) We can actually assist with common pregnancy complaints such as:

  • Morning sickness

  • Muscular aches & pains

  • Headaches

  • From 35 weeks assist with encouraging a natural efficient labour

  • Breech babies

  • Induction treatment (if you’ve gone over your due date)

It doesn’t work!

At this stage in New Zealand ACC will fund Acupuncture services, private insurers will also subsidise treatments. This would not occur if ‘Acupuncture didn’t work’. Acupuncture is currently being carried out at IVF centres throughout the world and here in Wellington- again this would not be happening if there was no evidence to show effectiveness.

  • Pooled results of 29 studies involving nearly 18,000 participants; overall, acupuncture relieved pain by about 50%- pain levels halved

  • An article examined the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating chronic shoulder pain (CSP). Participants were comprised of 424 patients with CSP. Random assignment placed each patient into traditional acupuncture, sham acupuncture, or conventional orthopedic treatment. Directly following treatment analysis revealed that the traditional acupuncture group yielded a 68% improvement, sham acupuncture 24%, and conventional orthopedic treatment 28%.

  • In 2010, Manber et al. (N=150) found a significantly 50% decrease in depressive symptoms amongst pregnant patients with Major depressive disorder.

  • A study of 160 women, published April 2002 in the reproductive journal Fertility and Sterility, a group of German researchers found that adding acupuncture to the traditional IVF treatment protocols substantially increased pregnancy success by 61%.

  • An observation study by Betts and Lenox in 2004 looked at the effect of using pre-birth acupuncture on 169 women as part of their routine antenatal care. In the acupuncture group there was an overall 35% reduction in the number of inductions (for women having their first baby this was a 43% reduction) and a 31% reduction in the epidural rate when compared to the local population. When comparing midwifery only care there was a 32% reduction in emergency caesarean delivery and a 9% increase in normal vaginal births.

You need no training to be an Acupuncturist

Acupuncturists in New Zealand complete four years University level training to be qualified and registered. Completing at least 500 clinical hours and passing a final exam for registration, as well as completing yearly continued development hours for registration.

It’s not entirely safe

As long as you a being treated by a qualified/ registered practitioner rate of adverse events requiring specific treatment after Acupuncture are 2.2% (4963 incidents among 229 230 subjects), worst case scenario!

Most common side effects with rates are as follows:

  • Small bleedings (2,9%),

  • Hematoma (Bruising) (2,2%),

  • Dizziness (1 %)

*n.b I have been asked and there is no ‘Death point’ or ‘Kiss of the Dragon” point- apologies to martial arts fans!*

It Can’t Make You Look Better

While most people use acupuncture to help rid themselves of pain, some swear by it for the benefits it brings to their skin – and it’s a myth that the technique can’t make you look better.

Facial acupuncture or beauty acupuncture as it’s more commonly known stimulates the skin’s ability to regenerate and restructure itself. In accelerating anti-inflammatory activity it can remove accumulative toxins from the skin and encourage new collagen and elastin production. This can be particularly beneficial for anyone with acne scarring or for those who’d like to add a youthful glow to their complexion

Acupuncture & Dry needling are the same thing

Again this is false- Dry needling was established by Physiotherapists who saw the excellent results Acupuncturists were getting treating Muscular-Skeletal conditions. So an element of this was taken and adapted to their modality. When dry needling is performed and stimulated in a different means to a Traditional Acupuncturist, we generally do not stimulate needles to the point where it elicits such a strong nerve response.

I shouldn’t go to my Acupuncture appointment if I have a Cold/ Flu

We appreciate your consideration of not spreading your cold- but Acupuncture can be very beneficial at supplementing the immune system and helping your body throw off any winter chills you may catch in the colder weather.


Kubista E, Kucera H. Geburtshilfe Perinatol 1974; 178 224-9. Zeisler H, Tempfer C, Mayerhofe Kr, Barrada M, Husslein P. Influence of acupuncture on duration of labour Gynecol Obstet Invest 1998; 46:22-5. Betts D, Lennox S. Acupuncture for prebirth treatment: An observational study of its use in midwifery practice. Medical acupuncture 2006 May; 17(3):17-20

Molsberger, A., Schneider, T., Gotthardt, H., Drabik, A. (2010). German randomized acupuncture trial for chronic shoulder pain (GRASP) – A pragmatic, controlled, patient-blinded, multi-centre trial in an outpatient care environment. Pain, 151, 146-154. Doi:10.1016/j.pain.2010.06.36

Acupuncture for Chronic Pain:  Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis: Andrew J. Vickers, DPhil; Angel M. Cronin, MS; Alexandra C. Maschino, BS; George Lewith, MD; Hugh MacPherson, PhD; Nadine E. Foster, DPhil; Karen J. Sherman, PhD; Claudia M. Witt, MD; Klaus Linde, MD; for the Acupuncture Trialists' Collaboration

Influence of acupuncture on the pregnancy rate in patients who undergo assisted reproduction therapy: Wolfgang E Paulus, M.D. Mingmin Zhang, M.D. Erwin Strehler, M.D. Imam El-Dhanasouri, PhD. Karl Sterzik, M.D.

Acupuncture for Treating Anxiety and Depression in Women: A Clinical Systematic Review:
David P. Sniezek, DC, MD, MBA, FAAMA1 and Imran J. Siddiqui, MD2

Acupuncture-related adverse events: a systematic review of the Chinese literature:
Junhua Zhang, Hongcai Shang, Xiumei Gao & Edzard Ernst,
a. Research Centre of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 88 Yuquan Road, Tianjin, 300193, China.
b. Peninsula Medical School, University of Exeter, Exeter, England



Acupuncturist in Beijing

"Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), more of a lifestyle choice rather than complementary medicine"

It’s no surprise due to the age of Chinese society that they have such an established medical system, as like any of the ancient civilisations; be it Indian (Ayurveda), Greek and even Maori culture, society learns that any 'natural' disease can be aided by remedies provided by their environment, in a sense 'nature does provide' it’s just knowing where to look.

Something I noticed when speaking to locals about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), all were familiar with the concept of 'patience' when it comes to healing. Even with my own knowledge in complementary medicine, this is something I struggle with from time to time. All had a similar view; “Anything that is treating the root cause of disease takes time", we often lose patience and look for easier means, resorting to pharmaceuticals which many Chinese believe can create long term damage to the body and often only treat the symptoms. 

Here is an interesting concept I feel is worth mentioning due to my own interest in treating pregnant women in preparation for childbirth: "The Golden Month' or "One Month’s rest". One of my guides explained this further: following giving birth, for the next 28 days women are to rest/ sleep, only to be disturbed to feed the baby and eat. Immediately after birth is seen as a very vulnerable time for women; due to extreme loss of energy and blood resulting in the body being very susceptible to illness, if this prevails it could create a chronic lifelong illness. This period of time is also viewed as an opportunity, which can really establish good health for the new mother and establish a strong constitution. The windows in the room are all sealed with plastic, any cracks and gaps filled- the emphasis is that no draft is allowed to penetrate the room. All cleaning during the initial 2 weeks is 'steam baths', eventually the woman is allowed to bathe but it’s in the hottest water tolerable. At no point during these 4 weeks is the woman to experience cold or wind. She emphasised that previous to having her son she constantly had breathing issues/ shortness of breath (weak energy/ qi), since her 'Golden month' she has never experienced these symptoms again. 

A lot of us don’t have this luxury postpartum, but it pays to bear in mind the stress and pressure put upon women to be immediately back into day to day routines, exercise and even working for some! Are we creating health problems for ourselves later in life? The opportunity to maybe take life slower for the first 28 days could be optimal for mother’s health long term. It also provides a beautiful time to bond with baby.

The Chinese have developed such an elaborate and effective form of medicine over 2000+ years.  It has herbal dispensaries like we have pharmacies and entire hospitals dedicated to Traditional Chinese medicine. Visiting China was enlightening as a TCM doctor to visit the origins of this profession, where Traditional Chinese Medicine is more culture than complementary therapy. 

and I surely anticipate returning again.

Guang'AnMen Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Xicheng Province, Beijing.

Guang'AnMen Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Xicheng Province, Beijing.

'Tong Ren Tang'- major Herbal Medicine dispensary chain store in China. 

'Tong Ren Tang'- major Herbal Medicine dispensary chain store in China. 

What is Chinese Cupping?

Patients often ask about “what the glass oval cups are used for” when visiting my practise. Hopefully this information will explain and give you more of an understanding of what cupping is and the benefits cupping has when using them.

Cupping is an ancient method of treating muscular tension which from a Chinese Medicine perspective is generally caused from “Stagnation”. (Stagnation - prevents blood and energy in the body from moving freely and results in giving elevated pain and restricted movement in the affected muscle area) Cupping assists by drawing out the muscular tension and allowing the affected muscle area to release the tension.

Cupping is achieved by creating a partial vacuum inside a Chinese cup (as seen in the supplied picture above) this is done with a small flame inside the cup, then the flame quickly extinguished creating the vacuum. The cup is then applied to the affected muscular area(s). Because of the vacuum, the underlying tissue is gently drawn into the cup. The cups remain in the affected area for up to 20 minutes. If we have a slightly larger area to cover we can do “sliding cupping” where a small amount of oil is applied to the skin so we can move the cups around. For some particular conditions a cup can be placed on top of a needle to create a desired effect. We have various sized cups to accommodate different surface areas.

The mechanism through which cupping creates a therapeutic effect is by stimulating blood flow to the area being cupped, so fresh blood is directed to the area and brings with it nutrients for the muscles and helps initiate a healing response in the tissue. Cupping also assists by pulling out the stuck blood that may be left in a muscle which is not in a relaxed state. The suction effect assists with flushing toxins out of the muscle by lifting the muscle off the bone. Cupping is extremely effective at relaxing muscular tension, breaking adhesions between the skin and underlying connective tissues allowing for unrestricted movement and relaxing muscle fibres. This incorporated with Acupuncture enhances the healing effect and stimulates deep muscle relaxation.

Most people describe the cupping sensation felt as being a drawing but pleasant feeling. The treatment is painless when the cups are applied to the body. The muscle release afterwards is similar to the feeling felt after a deep tissue massage. Common areas we apply cups to are the lower/mid back, between the shoulder blades, shoulders and lower neck.

Cupping is commonly used for the following issues and is limited to being applied on flat surface areas (being mainly the back):

  • Shoulder Tension (Deltoids and Trapezius)
  • Lower Back Pain (Sciatica)
  • Tight and tensioned Hips
  • Back muscle tension due to excessive weight use and heavy lifting
  • Back muscle tension due to poor back posture

If you are interested in trying Cupping come in for a consultation to discuss how it could potentially benefit any particular ailments you may be experiencing.