Moxibustion & Cupping

These are other traditional Chinese techniques which may be employed in your treatment program, used to specifically extract or insert 'heat' or 'cold' into an acupoint... 



Commonly called “Moxa”, Moxibustion is another form of stimulation used simultaneous to Acupuncture needles. In some circumstances your treatment may include hovering 'moxa' over-top of an Acupuncture needle while it's in place.

A “Moxa stick” is a stick of condensed Chinese herbs (Mugwort), and has a pungent aroma.  The moxa creates a healing, radiating warmth.  Moxa is commonly used to deliver energy directly to the Acupuncture needle/area and assists with stimulating blood flow.


Cupping involves a vacuum being created in the cup using a flame. This vacuum draws fresh blood to the affected muscle area being cupped and flushes-out stagnant blood and toxins. It’s similar to a stationary massage but reverse effect; where massage pushes muscle down towards bone (deep tissue) cupping draws the muscle up off the bone - all the while creating the desired effect of muscle relaxation and tension reduction.

Cups are felt as a slight suction sensation and often described as feeling pleasant.


